How Professional Cleaning Helps Fight COVID-19

How Professional Cleaning Helps Fight COVID-19

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With so many people stuck at home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it makes sense that more attention is paid to cleanliness. Social distancing is recommended and even legally enforced in many places to help prevent the spread of the virus. While we do our part by staying inside, we must consider those who are providing essential services. This includes healthcare workers, transportation workers, and even professional cleaning companies. Dust Busters wants you to understand just how much cleaning services help in the fight against the outbreak.

Helping People in Need of Professional Cleaning

The best way to fight germs such as bacteria and viruses is to clean common areas regularly. This includes door handles, countertops, walls, and other common surfaces. While most of us working from home or just unable to head out to the office due to closures are able to keep our homes sanitary, many others will need help.

Seniors who are not able to manage on their own, those with physical disabilities, and people who are recovering for other ailments are some of these people. Professional cleaning companies can handle their basic chores such as cleaning the bathroom, dusting, mopping the floors, and making sure the kitchen is clean, among other tasks. During the coronavirus pandemic, this vulnerable population can have the peace of mind in knowing a professional crew of cleaners is available to help keep their house clean and safe from avoidable germs.

Professional Knowledge & Superior Manpower

There is a big difference between simply cleaning your home and disinfecting a space. Before a home can go through with being disinfected, it has to be cleaned. The surfaces will need to be cleaned with a regular solvent to get rid of general waste, dirt, and grime. Once it dries, then it will be treated with a disinfectant. This important second step is what kills germs, bacteria, and viruses such as COVID-19.

House cleaning is a tough job that takes up most of the day, even in the best of times. By adding a whole new step to the process, it can take even longer. When a homeowner is tasked with completing all of this work on their own, it can be easy to overlook areas that are breeding grounds for the harmful COVID-19 virus. Our Newmarket house cleaning experts can dedicate all of their time and energy to making sure your home is both properly cleaned and thoroughly disinfected.

Giving You a Break

While we are all tasked with following follow social distancing practices, it is important to take a break from your space every once in a while. You can take a walk in your neighbourhood or complete your weekly grocery run. As you put on your mask, gloves, and head out, a professional cleaning company can clean and disinfect your home. This will help reduce bacteria and slow the spread of the virus while also giving you a chance to take a mental break.

How We Can Help

It is more important now than ever to keep your home clean and free from germs. Isolation will help keep your community safe, as well as those who are most vulnerable. A professional cleaning crew like that of Dust Busters can service those in the community who need help with the cleaning while keeping others safe from COVID-19. For more information, give us a call at (905) 895-5326.


Our experienced team of cleaning staff is comprised of fully trained professionals. Your satisfaction is our top priority, so our team is ready to bring you the clean home you want to come home to!

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