- February 28, 2022
- in Blog, House Cleaning Tips
- by Admin
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A house cleaning is great for a number of reasons. Sure, it makes the house look nice and leaves a good impression on visitors/guests, but did you know a clean home also contributes to the overall safety of you and the others residing within the home?
It can be hard to find the time to implement a proper cleaning, but lucky for you we here at Dust Busters have come up with some helpful tips & tricks on how to do so effectively.
Dust accumulation in these areas is huge. Making sure to complete this cleaning task at least once a month will ensure that the devices operating on these fans stay at their most functional. It will also minimize the amount of dust in the air and increase overall home safety.
Dust can build up extremely quickly in more areas than just your exhaust fans. Surfaces that are hard to reach or out of sight like far back countertops, high up shelves, fan blades, light fixtures, window sills — you name it, chances are there’s dust there.
In order to ensure that all of the dust in your home is either at a minimum or removed completely is by implementing a periodic dusting routine. The best way to clean dust is by using a duster or a microfiber cloth, and it is recommended that you repeat your routine at least once a week.
We get it — it’s easy to hold an “out of sight, out of mind” mentality when it comes to certain areas of the house. One of the most well known places for this mentality to be encouraged happens to be closets. Whether this is the closet near your foyer or the one in your bedroom, closets ensure that your clothing + valuables stay safe and organized.
The best way to declutter a closet is by getting rid of the things you don’t need, which may surprisingly be a lot more items than you think! Taking all of the stuff out of your closet, getting rid of the junk and then reorganizing this space is a great way to make it look brand new. To finish it off, try sprinkling some baking soda in the closet to make it smell fresh. Add a few drops (into the baking soda container) of your favorite essential oil for a nice smelling closet!
It is easy to get caught up with the daily business of life to completely forget about mopping your floors, so here is your reminder! Mopping & sweeping/vacuuming your floors helps remove any dust and stains from the area. If you live with hardwood flooring, start by sweeping/vacuuming & ensuring all the dust has been removed, then mop and let the floor dry. If you live in a home with carpets on the other hand, make sure you vacuum frequently. The fabrics in your carpet can hold on to a large number of bacteria including dust, food residue, drink residue and more! Vacuuming will ensure the dust & food residue issue is resolved, but in some cases renting a carpet cleaner may be the best route.
It can be hard to find the time for a house cleaning when you’re dealing with the everyday stressors of your personal/work life. If you are in desperate need of a tidy home but can’t do the job on your own, let our team here at Dust Busters help! To learn more about how to start a house cleaning in Newmarket with us, call our cleaners at (905) 895-5326 today!