Effective Ways to Clean Up After Your Pet

Effective Ways to Clean Up After Your Pet

Having a pet provides us with unconditional love and friendship. But, as much as we love our pets, pet owners know that our furry friends can sometimes leave a (not so little) mess behind. Dust Busters is here today to share a few tips and tricks to getting messes cleaned that is on your carpet, upholstery, and fabric. If the mess is too challenging for you to clean, call in our House Cleaning in Holland Landing professionals to get your home back to its best shape. 

Steam Cleaning 

Has your pet thrown up on your carpet before? If so, you know the struggle of trying to scrub it out. Our team would recommend that if this situation occurs, you use a steam cleaner to clean the area. If you are dealing with urine on the carpet, we recommend that you avoid using a steam cleaner as steam will work to loosen the odor particles and allow for a stronger urine odor to seep through. 

Extractor Machine 

An extractor machine is not a steam cleaner as it does not treat the stained area with any sort of heat. Bissell and the Rug Doctor both make fantastic options for this product and they are easy to locate in stores. And at some stores, the Rug Doctor is also a rentable option which means it is not a huge investment to make. 

Carpet Deodorizers 

There are many products on the market today that help with scents stuck on flooring and furniture. As you can’t go wrong with using baking soda, we have some commercial suggestions that are worth taking a look at. First up is Arm & Hammer’s ‘Pet Fresh Carpet Odor Eliminator’. This product is powder and can be used by being sprinkled on the surface/material allowing enough time to settle in, then can be vacuumed off. 

Another product that is worth noting is the ‘Urine Destroyer’ from Nature’s Miracle. This product can be used on carpets and rugs with ease. This product works by saturating the spot of urine with the product and letting it settle to dry. In some cases, the spot could take days to dry up. A competitor of this product is ‘Zep’, which can also be useful to fight tough stains and messes. 

Febreeze for Odors 

If your pet has left a strong odor, the best way to tackle it includes using ‘Febreeze’ or ‘Ozium’. They are both scent sensitive to use for the house and they also make great spray products. Another product to consider includes the ‘Bad Air Sponge’. This product works to eliminate odors without masking them. 

How We Can Help 

If your pet’s mess is too much for you to handle, it’s time you call in the professionals here at Dust Busters. Our team offers both home cleaning and Office Cleaning in Newmarket services in order to best serve everyone. No matter the size of your mess, contact our team at (905) 895-5326 to book your cleaning services. 


Our experienced team of cleaning staff is comprised of fully trained professionals. Your satisfaction is our top priority, so our team is ready to bring you the clean home you want to come home to!

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